Passing the torch light from one person to the next is sharing a light for peace. Light it and pass it along to spread the idea that peace is possible!
The Torch for Peace embodies a history of both positive and negative meanings, making it a symbol with significant past impact. Simultaneously, it addresses a timely and crucial theme for the sustainable well-being of our society and planet. In the face of global conflicts, it serves as a reminder that peace is a viable option. With the principle of passing the torch, we are introducing a ritual to carry this attitude into the world. Our design aligns with all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing that without peace, none of these goals can be realized.
BY SHAPE – functional and self-explanatory...
BY MATERIAL– precious ceramics, precious like peace itself…
BY COLOR – white like the color of a peace dove…
BY SURFACE – a grip with a texture of a grid, as a symbol for structure and stability…As a serial produced object, for as many people as possible! (a very modernist notion…)
It will be lit with a candle to facilitate a calm flame…But most of all it becomes a peace torch by a ritual.
Prof. Marion Digel, Karen Drübert, Carl Vollmer, Lilli Seiler